Originally introduced to keep library teams connected with families missing out on storytimes during COVID-19 lockdowns, for some libraries, Online Storytime has become a regular fixture. It means that families with very young children living at a distance from their nearest library, or with working parents, can participate in these fun, educational activities at a time to suit them.
Enter your state or the name of your library service to see if your library already subscribes.
How to register
To register, you simply fill out this agreement and return it to ALIA for our signature.
You pay for an annual subscription costing $150 + GST multiplied by the number of branches in your service. So if you have two locations, you pay $300 + GST, for 10 locations, you pay $1500 + GST.
When you receive the fully signed agreement – usually in less than 48 hours – you can start recording books from the list. We will send you an invoice to pass for payment for your subscription or if your state association is covering the cost, we will add your library service to that account.
This selection of books is available to library subscribers. You can search by title, by publisher, by author, by illustrator, or by ISBN:
Recently added books:
Magabala Books
Author: Jasmine Seymour
Illustrator: Jasmine Seymour
A Big Blue Boat
Spray Publications
Author: Susea Spray
Illustrator: Lesley Cybulka
Flip & Flap
Boolarong Press
Author: Pamela Slattery
Illustrator: Pamela Slattery
Aussie Native Plants A-Z
Boolarong Press
Author: Joey Farrell
Illustrator: Jocelyn Gibson
Lizard Gang (The)
Magabala Books
Author: Kirra Somerville
Illustrator: Grace Fielding
Loongie the Greedy Crocodile
Magabala Books
Author: Kiefer Dann
Illustrator: Lucy Dann
Molly the Pirate
Magabala Books
Author: Lorraine Teece
Illustrator: Paul Sedan
Little Corroboree Frog (The)
Magabala Books
Author: Tracey Holton-Ramirez
Illustrator: Angela Ramirez
Spinifex Mouse
Magabala Books
Author: Norma MacDonald
Illustrator: Norma MacDonald
Star of Anise
NLA Publishing
Author: Jane Jolly
Illustrator: Di Wu
Sorry Day
Author: Coral Vass
Illustrator: Dub Leffler
Night of the Hiding Moon
NLA Publishing
Author: Emma Allen
Illustrator: Sher Rill Ng
New Year Surprise
NLA Publishing
Author: Christopher Cheng
Illustrator: Di Wu
Imagineer (The)
NLA Publishing
Author: Christopher Cheng
Illustrator: Lucia Masciullo
Grandma’s Treasured Shoes
NLA Publishing
Author: Coral Vass
Illustrator: Christina Huynh
Library subscribers can apply for grants that will help to expand the reach of the program thanks to $100,000 of Australian Government funding.
You can apply for amounts ranging up to $10,000 that can be used for anything to support the delivery of library Online Storytimes. This may include purchasing props, hiring an Auslan interpreter, or technical training for library staff or contributors.
There are two grant rounds. Up to $80,000 will be available in the first round and $20,000 in the second. Round 1 applications open on 11 October and close on 17 December. Successful applicants will be announced on or before 10 January. Round 2 applications open on 7 February and close on 25 March. Successful applicants will be announced on or before 11 April.
Apply here for Round 1 open for applications 11 October to 17 December
Apply here for Round 2 open for applications 7 February to 25 March
Download the image required at the start of your videos here or make your own using these logos.
Download a guide to music for your Online Storytime here.
More resources are in development for 2022.
Keeping in touch
We publish occasional newsletters for participants and there is an elist for libraries and publishing partners.
As a library subscriber we need you to complete a simple report each quarter so we can keep our book industry partners up to date with the progress of the program and work out how much of the subscription funds should go to each title.
You can fill in your quarterly report online here. You will need to have a list of the titles you have recorded, the dates when these were first posted publicly, the platforms they were posted to and, wherever possible, the number of views. We also ask you to let us know how many books from the list you have bought for your collection.
Why is it good for storytime users?
It enables libraries to include children and families who can’t come to storytime sessions at libraries, for example, where both parents are working and can’t get to the library, as well as those living in socially disadvantaged areas where transport options are limited but internet access and devices are not, and those in rural and remote areas.
What branding does a library need to add?
Storytimes will need to carry an opening slide featuring the Australia Reads logo (the joint industry campaign) and acknowledging that permission has been given for the video. A template is available to download from the ALIA website – click here to link to the PowerPoint. Publishers will also nominate URLs for books and/or authors to be listed by libraries alongside the videos.
Why a payment per library branch rather than per service?
The largest library service in Australia has more than 30 branches, the smallest only one. We have priced it per library branch to make it more affordable for all.
Why are recordings only put up for six months, not 12 months?
The largest library service in Australia has more than 30 branches, the smallest only one. We have priced it per library branch to make it more affordable for all.
Can libraries make Auslan versions of storytime videos?
Yes, publishers have agreed that permissions cover a presenter signing the book in Auslan, with featured signs and words in English, alongside the visible text.
Does the subscription cover titles not on the book list?
No, only those that are listed. But libraries are welcomed to request books to be considered by the relevant publishers for adding to the list.
Does it cover music?
The agreement does not cover music or songs, unless those songs are already covered under public domain.
Can other types of libraries eg schools, subscribe?
This agreement only covers activities performed as an official program of an Australian public library service.
Where can I find more information?
Contact us at storytime@alia.org.au.